Message to the great people who work and volunteer within DisABILITY

All DisABILITY Workers Join us for Real Change

Trusted Collectives whom are DisABILITY Workers

$70 Gift Certificate included

Resources for life, real change is Here

DisABILITY Workers
You… the Abilities Advocates reject the normalization of disabilities rather promote the social model that disability is different, not bad or good and definitely not less.
Disability inclusive… advocating systems change needed in local, state and national. This requires the stamina (physical, mental and financial) … the endurance and overall health of the activists.
In honor of the memory of Engracia Figueroa let us join together to keep us healthy to do the work of social justice for Abilities to thrive for everyone. There’s might in collaboration and very difficult alone.

Who's behind the Compassion Charrete
The collectives behind the Compassion Charrette range from activist, entrepreneurs, frontline workers and more
Inspired be a vision of real change, Lisa Cain and group of Collectives, created, funded and assembled the most comprehensive Charrette for effective change that anyone has every attempted.
The Compassion Charrette is about helping activists, frontline workers, and caregivers relax, recharge, breathe and become apart of something bigger than we are individually.