Message to the great people who work to defeat Maternal Mortality

All Maternal Mortality Advocates/Workers Join us for Real Change

Trusted Collectives in the Maternal Mortality field

$70 Gift Certificate included

Resources for life, real change is Here

Maternal Mortality
Every day three lives are lost, the lives of women, mostly black women… brown women… women who are doing what women’s bodies are naturally created to do… give life! Being a woman however is filled with disparities, laden down with prejudices, unrealistic expectations and mistreatment when being blatantly neglected by the medical community. Therefore, reaching out for the best pain medication as a woman of color during childbirth is to hire a doula, a midwife. And doulas and midwives, these people need care as they care for others… the Compassion CHARRETTE’s team decided to create a safe caring space for your lives... the doulas, the midwives and the survivors.
The Compassion CHARRETTE’s unique name is just one more way to say we get you as the embracers of life-givers. You too need a place to be nurtured, heard and strengthened. It's a special day, it connects you to others… you will no longer be alone. The day engages you (every registrant gets a box filled with what connects you through that day and many more to come).
A support system being there, when and as things occur, to keep your work strong and alive. Trusted collective building as we embrace the theory of change I.N.T.A.C.T.™
I personally need to offer this kind of support, because I got support when I almost became a maternal mortality statistic, over forty years ago. And believe I came out of a 3 day coma after giving childbirth, to do just this, to being the healthy change agents in the medical field.

Who's behind the Compassion Charrete
The collectives behind the Compassion Charrette range from activist, entrepreneurs, frontline workers and more
Inspired be a vision of real change, Lisa Cain and group of Collectives, created, funded and assembled the most comprehensive Charrette for effective change that anyone has every attempted.
The Compassion Charrette is about helping activists, frontline workers, and caregivers relax, recharge, breathe and become apart of something bigger than we are individually.