Message to the great people who work to defeat Sexual Harassment

All Sexual Harassment Workers Join us for Real Change

Trusted Collectives in Sexual Harassment

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Sexual Harassment
This pervasive violation… it's the cause and the consequence that 1 out of 5 women experience, and 43% of all men. It’s illegal, costly to taxpayers but nothing is really putting a dent in its continuance.
Why is this? What are the root causes of it that have been thoroughly researched:
1) male dominant environments where women are excluded, undermined and crudely demeaned,
2) hierarchical structures where women are treated like sexualized pawns and undervalued colleagues, and
3) forgiving bad behavior when men are demeaning women with obscenities, gestures to communicate that you don’t belong.
Being touched without my permission, addressed by strangers using derogatory language, verbally or physically harassing me when I have not given any indicators of wanting that attention.
The assumption that being a boyfriend or girlfriend that it is okay to assert oneself with sexually violent behavior. Today clandestine methods, like cyberbullying, is something too prevalent to actually avoid.
Unlike this behavior, quid pro quo is the expectation that now you owe a favor. And there’s the hostile work environment where someone’s work performance is affected due to the discriminatory behavior repeatedly unwarranted nor wanted. This is mostly education and policy knowledge and enforcement or even policy creation.
As the major point of sexual harassment is not about sex instead its about power; power over someone in school, the workplace or even in your neighborhood.
Whenever it’s reported the victim is victimized even further. The Compassion CHARRETTE has been created for a safe space to do the activism so desperately needed, to rid the world of the insidious demeaning actions of pathological control over people’s bodies that does so much damage to their hearts and minds, as well.
The day is filled with engaging fun and education that continues after the day is over… continually building the Trusted Collective.

Who's behind the Compassion Charrete
The collectives behind the Compassion Charrette range from activist, entrepreneurs, frontline workers and more
Inspired be a vision of real change, Lisa Cain and group of Collectives, created, funded and assembled the most comprehensive Charrette for effective change that anyone has every attempted.
The Compassion Charrette is about helping activists, frontline workers, and caregivers relax, recharge, breathe and become apart of something bigger than we are individually.